Sport Management Research contribution Ranking.
Published annually by the UNT Sports Innovation Project, the ranking is a quantitative assessment of how universities around the world contribute to the scholarly discourse in the field of Sport Management. The year-on-year results are provided so faculty, university administrators, and doctoral students can quickly scan the scholarly engagement of each institution with the field’s three (3) marquee journals.
*This contribution ranking is assembled and curated by SIP volunteers. There is no remuneration received for the work connected to the ranking.
The criteria.
The following criteria were used for this ranking (changes from the 2023 ranking criteria are noted):
Publications are limited to three ABDC "A" journals in the field of sport management: (1) Journal of Sport Management, (2) European Sport Management Quarterly, and (3) Sport Management Review. These journals are the official publications of the three leading sport management academies in the world: The North American Society of Sport Management, the European Association for Sport Management, and the Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand.
The time-period for inclusion is limited to the decade preceding the evaluation year. For this ranking, publication data from 2013 to 2024 were included.
The program ranking is limited to those institutions with 2 (or more) faculty who have at least 2 total publications over the ranking time period. To be included on the list, an institution must have at least 10 'contributions' from scholars who meet these criteria.
Note: The same publication will count for each author. E.g., if Lopez (at South Harmon University) and Kapowski (at University of Los Angeles) are co-authors on a paper, the paper counts as a 'contribution' for both SHU and ULA. Likewise, if Lopez and Kapowski are both at SHU, that paper would count as two 'contributions' for SHU.
The Ranking.
For each institution, the number of contributors and their ranking are provided. This list is not limited to faculty working in Sport Management programs but rather to any institution-affiliated faculty member or student. Accordingly, this is not a 'program ranking' as the data reflect scholarly engagement from an institutional level-of-analysis. For brevity, only institutions with 10 total pubs are included in the below ranking.

Data Collection.
Downloaded RIS entries from EBSCO.
Searched on EBSCO's SPORTDiscus database for each of the journals individually (e.g., << JN "Journal of Sport Management" >>). This returns all the articles in EBSCO's system.
Downloaded a file with RIS entries for each article.
Created CSV with article components from RIS files.
Separated the RIS entries in each downloaded file using the RISPy package in python.
Parsed each entry into its various components (e.g., authors, title, etc.).
Created a dataframe with these data, which was outputted to a CSV.
Cleaned and summarized data in Excel.
Read the CSV to Excel using Power Query.
Manually added/edited articles based on errors found in EBSCO data.
Manually matched author names to consolidate duplicates (e.g., classify "Zeigler, Earle F.", "Zeigler, E. F.", and "Zeigler, Earle" as the same person).
Manually determined the current institution for each author who met the inclusion criteria.
Used Excel tools (Power Query, formulas, and Pivot Tables) to calculate totals based on the inclusion criteria.